While headlines across the nation are spelling out certain gloom and doom for the economy, many homeowners still need to sell their homes. Whether relocating or downsizing, you can sell your home during the COVID-19 pandemic; the process has just changed a little. Let’s take a look at six selling tips during coronavirus.

1. Check local regulations

In some areas of the country, home sales and purchases have halted completely, unless the process started before things shut down. Other states are operating with caution, and while it’s not necessarily business as usual, business is still running. 

If you’re at the very beginning of this process, the first thing you need to do is locate a trusted agent and find out what local regulations are regarding home sales. Again, this will differ by area, which is why you must find a top area agent to consult.

2. Get a pre-listing inspection

Some areas of the country have not yet transitioned to required self-isolating and business closure, so scheduling an inspection before the listing can expedite the selling process. Not only will you avoid a lull if businesses are required to cease operations, but you’ll earn the trust of your buyer by being transparent at the outset. 

3. Price carefully

Now, more than ever, sellers need to carefully and thoughtfully price their homes if they want to sell in a timely fashion. Those buyers still in the market are being cautious, and understandably so. While home prices are not expected to drop as a result of COVID-19’s impact on the economy, the pace at which home prices rise will slow. 

Fortunately, sellers have buyer demand on their side, as halted construction means slowed supply funnel. Available home inventory was already low before the pandemic, and now add to that some sellers removing their homes from the market. Now is still an excellent time to sell, but sell smartly and don’t try to price yourself out.

4. Get creative

With social distancing in-place, marketing a house during coronavirus makes photos and videos an integral part of the process. Allow your agent to get creative with showings. Many agents have started conducting Zoom open houses where they walk through the home and answer questions as they go. Other agents have utilized FaceTime to conduct one-on-one home tours and showings. 

If you’re motivated to sell, work with your agent to come up with creative ways to move your home. And make sure to communicate guidelines for social distancing and handwashing to keep both your family and your agent safe.

5. Utilize your network

With more people spending time at home, social media use has skyrocketed. Post your listing on social media, or do a video tour and ask friends to share with their networks. You’re bound to have someone in your circle who knows of people looking to buy in the area. 

6. Provide all information up-front

If you want to increase the odds of selling during this time, be as transparent as possible. Cautious buyers abound, so don’t give them any reason to back away from a sale. If you have maintenance records, receipts, and applicable permits, put them together in a binder to have on display for showings. This is handy for virtual tours as well, as agents can quickly flip through a binder left on a counter and provide an overview of how well you’ve kept your home. Nothing eases a buyer’s mind like knowing that the house they’re thinking of buying was maintained.

While times are definitely uncertain, it doesn’t mean that the housing market has stalled. Follow the tips provided here, and be willing to do things a little differently, and you’ll be in great shape.