In this episode of the Smallegan Real Estate Podcast, Mike Smallegan interviews Jeremy Underwood from Farm Bureau Insurance in Grand Rapids. An alum of Cornerstone University, Underwood was inducted into the university’s Athletic Hall of Honor. He offers his expertise on insurance and real estate, and shares his compelling story. Tune in to learn all about it!

Jeremy's Story

Underwood’s journey towards success began years ago after graduating from Cornerstone University. After college, he stepped away from sports for a while and decided to pursue a career in insurance sales. His experience has allowed him to become well-versed in insurance matters, offering valuable advice to clients across Grand Rapids. It’s this type of knowledge that has allowed him to continue growing his business over the years as more people come to rely on his services.

Insurance & Real Estate Advice

During their conversation, Smallegan and Underwood discuss various topics revolving around real estate and insurance. With Underwood’s extensive experience in both fields, he shares insight on common questions such as what types of homeowners insurance policies are available, how much coverage you need for your home or car, and more.

Underwood believes that everyone should take the time to educate themselves about their options when it comes to purchasing a policy; understanding how things work allows you to make better decisions for yourself financially speaking.

This episode of the Smallegan Real Estate Podcast is packed full of valuable information straight from Jeremy Underwood himself! His insights provide listeners with an abundance of knowledge regarding insurance matters that they can use going forward when making decisions in the Grand Rapids area. The podcast also serves as an inspiring reminder that hard work pays off—even when life takes unexpected turns along its course! If you want some helpful advice related to this industry delivered with humor, tune into this episode today!

Contact Farm Bureau Insurance- Underwood Agency at (616) 667-9250