I always recommend my clients get an inspection prior to closing on the home.

So, while you can shorten and wave inspections if you need to, to get an accepted offer. I definitely always think it's in the best interest of the client to have a home inspection done with a professional prior to closing. An inspection is going to make sure the buyers know what they're purchasing.

I'll have people ask me sometimes like, “Hey, I heard that I have to wave my inspections to be competitive in this market.” And that's not really true.

If your agent is recommending that you wave your inspection just for the sake of being competitive, fire them. There's a lot of other, better agents out there.

I haven't told a single one of my clients to wave inspections and I've closed plenty of deals this year. You don't need to do it. There's better ways to be competitive with your inspection period.

You might offer to shorten the inspection period. You could write in that you’re not going to ask for repairs, concessions, or price reductions because of the inspection. That gives you the chance to assess the condition of the home, and make an informed decision on whether or not you want to move forward, because you might find that it needs a new roof, or $20,000 in foundation repairs.

So get an inspection, they’re inexpensive and they will save you money in the long run.