We had the pleasure of interviewing Chelsea Lee Woudstra on our podcast series Small Talk, with the Smallegan Real Estate Team. As a body worker and speaker with years of experience helping people to heal their emotional pain, Chelsea was able to provide insight into the healing process and explain how simple self-reflexive techniques can help to reduce the intensity of emotions and provide comfort in moments of darkness or despair. Let’s hear what she has to say!

In this episode, Chelsea shares her personal story and journey with us, telling how she discovered her passion for helping others work through trauma. She focuses on the importance of self-care, especially during times of emotional distress. She explains that it is important to be gentle with yourself when going through difficult times, practice radical self-acceptance by recognizing your own worthiness for love and care even when things are hard, and seek out support from trusted loved ones or professionals who can help guide you through these dark times.

Chelsea also talks about reconnecting with your body during moments of intense emotion; she believes that being mindful of your own physical sensations can help to ground you in difficult moments. By taking a step back and noticing how your body is feeling in each moment—your breath rate, heart beat, muscle tension—you can slowly start shifting away from fear or pain and towards a place of peace and understanding. Practicing this type of inner reflection can be very therapeutic in times of great stress.

Chelsea’s passion for helping others is evident in every word that comes out of her mouth as she speaks about her experiences working with clients struggling through trauma. Her approach is rooted in kindness and empathy as she helps individuals reach a place where they are ready to move forward in life without being weighed down by fear or pain from their past experiences.

We were so grateful to have had an opportunity to sit down with Chelsea Lee Woudstra on Small Talk! Her insights into the healing process were invaluable as she shared her personal story and discussed the importance of self-care during times of emotional distress. She gave us all useful tips on how simple self-reflexive techniques can help reduce intense emotions while also providing comfort in moments of darkness or despair. We hope that everyone listening takes away something valuable from our conversation with Chelsea today! Be sure to check out all our other episodes on our podcast series Small Talk hosted by the Smallegan Real Estate Team!