The Grand Rapids Griffins Youth Foundation, an organization affiliated with our local hockey team, represents a cause near and dear to our hearts. We enjoy a good hockey game as much as the next person, but the Foundation goes beyond, and works to provide uniforms and playing gear to kids who otherwise couldn't afford to, as well as assistance for kids with special needs. The Smallegan Team is proud to be a supporter of the GYF, and we look forward to a great many volunteer and fundraising opportunities to come.


How Does It Impact Families?


 The generosity of area Foundations, the Grand Rapids Griffins Booster Club and individuals across West Michigan provide vital resources for the foundation. Sponsorship and volunteer opportunities allow businesses like ours to get involved and support local kids and their families that would otherwise not be able to play hockey, which is not a cheap sport. Donations of new and gently used hockey equipment, particularly sticks and skates, are always welcome.

Click Here to visit the Griffins Youth Foundation Website