CA Frost Environmental Science Middle High School

At CA Frost Middle High School, we believe that it is important to care for the earth, care for the community, and care for each other. We are uniquely situated on the west side of Grand Rapids, which allows us to take advantage of our own campus grounds and the city as a whole. Our 6th-12th grade scholars regularly participate in field trips, mentorships, and environmental experiences within and across grade levels. By encouraging collaboration and community building throughout the school, we help our scholars foster a growth mindset academically and socially. Through partnerships with community organizations and each other, we ensure that our scholars remain strong stewards of the environment and their community simultaneously. Our goal is to produce graduates who are not only academically prepared for success in college and career, but also responsible citizens who are committed to making a positive impact on the world around them.

At CA Frost, we are committed to equity and inclusion in every aspect of our school landscape. We recognise that biases can create barriers to success, and we challenge and eliminate these biases to create a supportive and inclusive environment for all scholars and staff. Our school is a model where equity and inclusion are infused in every aspect of the landscape, from the way we design our curricula and programmes, to the way we support our scholars and staff. As a result, our scholars are able to thrive and reach their full potential. We are proud to be a school where everyone can feel welcome, valued, and supported.

At CA Frost, we believe that children who love nature will excel in their academics when given the opportunity to learn about the environment in all subject areas. Our unique curriculum is designed to engage scholars’ natural interests and incorporate environmental science into their everyday learning experiences. Through hands-on projects, field trips, and school-wide initiatives, our students have the chance to explore the world around them and develop a deeper understanding of their place in it. As a result, they gain the knowledge and skills necessary to become responsible stewards of the earth. If you are looking for a school that will allow your child to nurture their love of nature, CA Frost is the perfect fit!